2012年9月26日 星期三


所以台灣人幾乎都是下地獄的嗎?? 不然你們為何不斷燒紙錢 給你們過世親人與好兄弟呢??
 Media asked Chuck Feeney, why must donate a completely? His answer is very simple, because “there is no shroud pocket.”
Anyway 在此恭喜燒紙錢的台灣人們, 地獄之門 永遠為你大開….
 台灣勵志篇作者過於功利主義利益交換思維了…. 所以我很討厭 台灣勵志篇文章


Chuck Feeney (查克•费尼): There is no shroud pocket
 He is 76 years old, and his wife live in San Francisco set the one-bedroom rental house. He has never been through the brand-name clothes, glasses in a dilapidated state, or many years ago from the grocery store, bought on the streets, while wearing the watch is spread on the plastic watches.
 He does not love food, is the favorite inexpensive roasted tomato cheese sandwich. He did not own cars, usually go by bus, he had the briefcase was a bag.
  In addition, if you and he went to the tavern to drink a glass of beer, he would carefully check the bills; If you live in his home, before bed, he would remind you that the Ba Dengguan.
 You must be strange, but a poor mean the United States say what the old man? So let us take a look at him before the age of 76 are doing what matters.
 Cornell University, he has donated 588,000,000 U.S. dollars for the University of California, donated 125 million for Stanford University contributed 60,000,000 U.S. dollars. He has invested 1,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, and the transformation of the new 7 University of Ireland and Northern Ireland 2 University.
 He has set up “Operation Smile” charity fund for developing countries to provide free cleft palate surgery for children’s medical expenses. He was Cuba’s purchase of a large number of doctors trained medical supplies, in order to control pests and diseases in Africa injected huge amounts of money … … So far, he has donated 4,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, and wait for donations 4,000,000,000 U.S. dollars.
 He is generous treatment has been stingy, like have the money to make money do not like the Chuck Feeney.
 Such a person, along with Bill Gates, why do we rarely hear? Because he is low-key, anonymity has been doing good, all the anonymous contributions, even if he personally created by up to 80 billion U.S. dollars, “the Atlantic charitable” foundations, also refused to name his own name. When the media has finally discovered his presence and immediately shocked the world - the name, immortalized doomed.
  At present, Chuck Feeney had three wishes:
First, in the 2016 pre-tax light of the remaining 4,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, or a wasted step. Now, the money each year is more than 400,000,000 U.S. dollars of the need to speed the flow around the world.
 Second, rich and set an example, “enjoying life at the same time to make gifts.” It is said, by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and his influence has been put into action.
 Third, to quietly grilled cheese taste tomato sandwiches, and no one saying too much to say: “ah, the billionaire eating grilled cheese sandwich tomatoes.” Unfortunately, this point in the future he may not be realized.
Media asked Chuck Feeney, why must donate a completely? His answer is very simple, because “there is no shroud pocket.”

